Thursday 6 June 2013

WTF?! Food Edition.

Warning: "Adult" language will be used in this post.

WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE EATING? No, really. Do you know what you are eating? I didn't. And neither did anyone in my family. We happily consumed honey nut cherrios, kraft dinner, corn, rice, milk, non-organic produce, nestle chocolate, the list goes on and on. And what did I recently find out? I found out that these foods are made with GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS, or GMOs. Do you even know what that means? If you are anything like I was, you don't. And just in case you do not, I will tell you now, to save you the time of googling it yourself. (the horror!)

According to;
"GMO's — or genetically modified organisms — refer to the plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology. In conversation,GMO's and GE foods refer to the same thing. They are foods created by merging DNA from different species.
The first GMO crop (the Flavr Savr tomato) was approved by the FDA in 1994. Since then, GE varieties of corn, soya, sugar beets and canola have become common local crops in Canada. In addition to locally produced crops, GE varieties of cottonseed oil, papaya, squash and milk products are imported from the USAinto Canada. In a mere 20 years, GMO ingredients have made their way into most of the processed foods available on Canadian grocery shelves. Apples, potatoes and wheat are all in the lineup for approval."
At first, they claimed that GMOs would save the world! This was our answer to world hunger! They claimed that these special seeds were drought and pesticide resistant, meaning farmers could grow more food at less of a cost. But alas, the bugs and weeds have just become super bugs, and super weeds, so more pesticide needs to be used to kill them now. Using even more poison, ON TOP of the Genetically Engineered food. So, it's costing farmers MORE money, and it's even worse on our environment and our health. Not to mention all the farmers that Monsanto has SUED, and ruined. Why? Some because they have either unknowingly grown GMO crops, from seeds blowing into their fields, or they replanted seeds the next year. There is an astonishing number of farmers around the world have killed themselves because of Monsanto.
What about our eco system? We have one planet. We treat it as if we have another one to go to. If this continues, we are completely screwed. What about our kids, and grandkids? They are going to think we are major assholes for being so fucking stupid, and ruining the earth. Once Monsanto's seeds are planted, that soil is useless to Heritage, organic seeds. Nothing else will grow. And what about the run off of pesticides into our water? There is so much to think about. And we can't be ignorant about this anymore. We need to WAKE UP. Right now.
Please check out this article about the impending extinction of the honey bee. (No bees=no pollination=no food=no humans) 

The bottom line, is that we do NOT know what the side effects of GMOs will be. WE ARE THE SCIENCE EXPERIMENT. Our children. YOUR CHILDREN. Are you hearing what I am saying? This is absolutely fucked right up. 
Want to know WHY the FDA has approved these foods to be deemed "safe"? Because Monsanto (the evil corporation who is mostly responsible for these seeds) has their employees and former employees in the White House, in the Senate, in the Supreme Court. Monsanto and the government are happily in bed together. And they do not give a flying fuck about you, or your babies. In fact, they are probably looking forward to us all getting cancer. Then they can release the cure for a ridiculous amount of money. If you think this is a "conspiracy theory", you are in denial. 

I for one, will NOT have my children be science experiments any longer. No way. FUCK YOU, MONSANTO. 
What can you do to help make the change that needs to happen?

First, you can let this consume your mind. Remember to take one step at a time, because once it sinks in- you will be extremely overwhelmed, furious, scared, and feel quite hopeless.
Second, you need to share this information with everyone you know. "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."- Helen Keller. If EVERYONE in Canada felt as feverishly about this as I do, companies would voluntarily seek out NON GMO ingredients. They need us to buy their products, which brings me to number three.
BOYCOTT all companies who use GMOs, or who oppose GMO labeling.

OK, so- now that you see that list, you may be thinking. "Holy shit. What will I be buying at the grocery store now? How will I feed my family now? WHAT THE FUUUCK!?" That's what I thought, anyway. I was fucking terrified. Because this is REAL. And as I realized it was real, and looked at my five year old, who was pouring "Aunt Jemima" Syrup on her toaster waffles, I had a complete melt down. If I didn't change how I fed my family, RIGHT NOW- and then we find out that this shit IS for SURE going to give us cancer, diabetes, and god knows what would I ever live with myself? Knowing that I just ignored it, and pretended it wasn't a big deal?
So here is what I am doing, and what you can do.
1.) Buy and eat 100% organic, and NON GMO. It's like giving Monsanto the middle finger.
2.) Support local farmers. Find a Farmers Market near you, and then talk to the farmers. Buy from the Organic farmers. 

3.) BOYCOTT these companies:

4.) Stand together, and tell everyone you know.
"like" and "share" information from sites like, and sign petitions to end the madness.

Take a deep breathe, and take one step at a time. Understand that this is a LIFESTYLE change. 

THANK YOU. We need everyone we can, to stand together against these evil corporations.

Petitions to sign:

Love always, 

Saturday 1 June 2013

If I could turn back time...

I would exclusively breastfeed! OK, look. This post will not be sugar coated. It just won't. So, if you are a mom who uses formula, and you know you aren't going to like what I am about to write, then stop reading now.

I don't regret much, as far as how I have parented my children, and the choices I have made. I really don't. I am very proud of the job I have done, and am proud of my daughters who are wonderful little people.  But now that I have read a lot more, done much more research, and have you want to know what I would change, if I could change just ONE thing?  Giving infant formula to my kids. I breastfed AND formula fed my first two babies. But I only breastfed Maci until six months, And Olivia only FOUR! (all while being supplemented as well). After six & four months, I abruptly weaned them. Why, you may ask? Because I thought formula was just as good as breast milk. Sure, I thought I was a "nursing advocate". I knew breast milk was good for the baby, but I didn't know HOW good. And I didn't know how bad formula was.

When my first baby Maci was born, I was a wreck. I was twenty one years old, a single mom, with a mortgage that was purchased at the very height of the market. I had a HUGE car payment, and was completely stressed to the max. Zero child support from the sperm donor, and living on EI (maternity leave) I had been seeing a counsellor, because I was dealing with depression, and had an extremely rocky relationship with my family.

Maci was born weighing 5lbs 8oz. She was pretty jaundice- so after laying in the "lights" for a couple days, I took her home, weighing 5lbs 1oz. She was the light of my life. I have never felt such a deep, passionate love in my entire life. The fear I had about becoming a single parent turned into a severe passion. I would move mountains for this child, I would lay down my life. She was my everything. But my little everything wasn't eating very much. In fact, she slept most of the day. (This IS typical for newborns, but I'm talking allll daaaay.) I would sit on the couch with a glass of water, and a bowl of fruit or vegetables, topless, and just try to wake her up to nurse. ALL. DAY. LONG.

She wasn't gaining weight, and she wasn't yellow...she was orange. When she was about 2 weeks old, I called my mom hysterical, and exhausted. Maci wasn't eating, I was engorged, and in so much pain. She brought over a can of formula and bottles, and told me that I needed to feed my baby. It was devastating to give her that bottle, but as I watched her drink it, I felt like my boobs and my milk just wasn't good enough.

A week later, I tried pumping. But because I had very little money, I bought a cheap manual pump, and pinched a milk duct. This caused a blocked duct, which turned into an infection, which caused mastitis. Let me tell you right now- I would NEVER wish what I went through on anyone. It started as a slight burning feeling under my left breast. Then the pain started to rise. It began around 3pm, and by 7pm, I was shaking so bad, and so cold from a fever, that I thought I would give Maci shaken baby syndrome, just by holding her.

I drove myself to the hospital, with Maci in tow, and collapsed in the ER. The nurse took my temperature three time, with two different thermometers, thinking they must be broken. Was it possible that my temperature was really 105F? That's when brain damage can happen. They told me that if I hadn't of come in, I probably would have died. (I lived alone, so no one would have found me in time.) It was the worst case of mastitis the hospital had ever seen. And it HURT like a biiitch. OMG, did it ever hurt. And HOW do you drain the infection? Baby has to unclog the duct, by nursing. It hurt just to touch the skin of my breast with a finger gently, let alone a baby latched on. I was in the hospital on antibiotics for 10 days because of that nasty little infection...and you would THINK a nurse, doctor, or lactation consultant would have told me..."Don't worry about pumping, don't use formula or bottles. You produce milk like a freaking dairy cow- just NURSE YOUR BABY." But they didn't.  So I went home, and nursed, and supplemented with formula. Formula became an easy "go to". And I seriously regret it. And because I believed that no one would make baby formula if it wasn't HEALTHY for babies, I went on to supplement my second baby with formula as well. Did I "need" to? No. I didn't. I made more than enough milk. But I didn't KNOW I shouldn't give it to them. Everyone around me not only told me that it was OK, they said it was just as good for baby.  And why did I stop breastfeeding all together at six & four months? Because I didn't educate myself. And honestly, I was being selfish. 

I did another thing that many moms, dads, and child care experts would grimace at. And that was the CIO method. Yep, I let Maci and Olivia both cry it out. Brad says I cried harder than they did. It took them both two night, and then bedtime was nothin'. And still is. Putting my girls to bed, is easy. Too easy, some would say....but, because I was letting them cry, and not nursing them in the night anymore, (I had previously co-slept with both of them from birth-6 months) I was waking up engorged with milk all over the bed. So I did what any uneducated mother would do. I weaned them. 

I feel horrible writing this, now that I know how wrong I was. But I am admitting that I was wrong, and putting myself at the mercy of lactivists everywhere, so that maybe my story will stop another mama from making my same mistakes.

There are so many reasons why it is important to choose to breastfeed you baby.

Colostrum is liquid gold, and there is nothing as good or better for a human baby, than human milk. Nothing. Your body needs to heal from ten long months of pregnancy, labour and delivery. You need to sit every few hours with a tall glass of water, a bowl of fruit or vegetables, and be skin to skin with your baby, nursing them. It will help shrink your uterus back to size, and help you lose the weight that you needed to have on while pregnant. It lowers your chances of getting breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and type 2 diabetes. And the benefits for your child are incredible. Here are some:

Your breast milk changes as your baby grows! Colostrum changes into mature milk. It will take about three to five days after birth, for mature breast milk to have just the right amount of fat, sugar, water, and protein to help your baby continue to grow.

Breast milk is easier to digest! For almost all babies — especially PREMATURE babies — breast milk is easier to digest on their little tummies than formula. The proteins in formula are made from cow’s milk and it takes time for babies’ stomachs to adjust, and be able to digest them.

Breast milk fights disease! The cells, hormones, and antibodies in breast milk protect our babies from illness. The protection is unique. Infant formula cannot match the chemical makeup of human breast milk. In fact, among babies who are formula-fed, ear infections and diarrhea are more common. Formula-fed babies also have higher risks of:
  • Diseases that affects the gastrointestinal tract in preterm infants.
  • Lower respiratory infections
  • Asthma (something Maci has...)
  • Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
Some research shows that breastfeeding can also reduce the risk of Type 1 diabetes, childhood leukemia, and atopic dermatitis (a type of skin rash) in babies. Breastfeeding has also been shown to lower the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

I am not going to bash formula right now, but I will say that for a mama who NEEDS to formula feed, and has NO other option- yes, of COURSE. Feed your baby. You love your baby, and you need to nourish that little baby.  I wish I had know about milk banks...and I wish that more mamas who have trouble nursing, knew about them.

If you can breastfeed, please do. It might be really hard at first. It might really fucking hurt. A LOT. But it will get better. IT WILL GET EASIER. Sadie is 5 1/2 months old, and is exclusively breastfed. It was toe curling pain for the first four weeks, but I didn't give up, and now it is SO easy! I would way rather lift my shirt and feed her, than have to make and sterilize a bottle. (PLEASE, do not comment that you don't bother sterilizing the formula...)

With much love, 

Struggling to breastfeed? Please check out or google "Human Milk for Human babies" to find a milk bank near you.

Friday 31 May 2013

The beginning of a Crunchy Mama.....

Let's go back to when I was pregnant with my third daughter. Let's call her...."Sadie". It took me 2 years to convince my husband...let's call him..."Brad" have another baby. He was DONE after the difficult pregnancy, labour and delivery of our second daughter...."Olivia".  He was sure that our first born, "Maci", and Olivia were it. But I knew in my soul that someone was missing.  So I talked, and talked, and begged, and bargained until he finally agreed to expanding our family one more time. 

The pregnancy was mild, compared to my first two. I was nauseous every day with Maci & Olivia. With Sadie- only the first 3 months...but talk about TIRED. I would fall asleep all the time, just randomly. Think I would sit down to put my feet up for a minute, and boom! Sleeping. Good thing Maci & Olivia are angels. They are best friends (most days) and play together so great. I was POSITIVE that I was having a boy, because the pregnancy was completely opposite of what my previous two were. Brad wanted to find out the sex of the baby at 20 weeks, and I didn't. Take a guess at who won that little battle? He was so upset. We had found out with the first two, and he said he needed to know! But I knew that this would probably be my last pregnancy, and the last time I would get to have the biggest surprise of my life. I really wanted that. (And it was the COOLEST moment, EVER! Brad is now so happy that I was stubborn, and refused to let him find out.)

You see...I was just shy of 21 when I unexpectedly became pregnant with my first baby. I was in a weird, emotionally abusive, draining, and fake relationship with the "father". In fact, when I read that little pink plus sign, we had been broken up for over a month. And I was 8 weeks and 4 days was, to say the least- shocking. I was alone, and terrified. What the fuck was I going to do??? How the hell was I going to raise a baby on my own?  I was planning a trip to South America. I had already travelled to Australia, the UK, Amsterdam and Ireland. I wanted to see more of the world! I wasn't done travelling. I wasn't done living my crazy life as a irresponsible young woman in my EARLY 20's. For god's sake, I hadn't even turned 21 yet. WHAT WAS I GOING TO DO? 

I had met Brad when I was 15. I was from a shit hole small town, and he was from an even shitter, even smaller town just south. He was 18. We were both dating other people, but we became really good friends. When I found out I was pregnant five years later, he was the fifth person I told. (First, my best friend at the time, then the sperm donor, then my parents) I remember calling him, and saying "I have something to tell you. Don't yell at me." And my best friend Brad said "Why would I yell at you? It's ok, we'll get through this." 

Fast forward through a very scary, lonely, emotional 9 months, and there was Brad, in the delivery room with me, smiling at my first born child. He was still just a friend, but I had no idea what was coming. When she was 5 months old, he told me that he loved HER, and wanted to be her daddy. He said that he wanted to be my family, and that he had been in love with me since he first met me, and had been waiting for the right time to tell me.  We sat and talked for a few hours. We decided that if we were going to do this, that at that very moment, we were dedicating the rest of our lives together. If we couldn't do that, we weren't going to even try a relationship. Our friendship was too important to me to lose it.

So, that's what we did. Full force. We "committed" to each other in April, had bought a house together and moved in by August, trying for a baby by September, and pregnant and engaged in October. We were married the next November.  Almost everyone doubted us. His friends talked about me behind my back. Called me a gold digger. Everyone said it would never work. Pretty sure there was probably a pool going around, about how long it would last.

It was the hardest thing either of us had ever done. We thought because we were such good friends, that it would be easy. HA! He had never lived with a girlfriend, and didn't even think he would ever be married. And here he was, married with TWO babies. Looking back, I can see how that may have been a little overwhelming, to say the least. But we pushed through. 5 years later, a few hundred dollars in counselling, 3 beautiful babies, our awesome Boston Terrier "Ruby", many laughs, tears, sorrow, love, joy and pain...and here we are! 

Brad is the best thing that has happened to me. I believe that our souls are meant to be together. I believe that this all happened to bring us together. Brad calls Maci his angel, because without her coming into the world, we probably wouldn't have ended up together. Brad is the definition of a MAN. He is raising Maci as his own, while the sperm donor told me to stay away, that he wanted nothing to do with her, and he was pissed that I refused to abort the pregnancy. Brad loves Maci as much as he loves Olivia and Sadie. He works his ass off to support our family, and so that I can stay home and raise our daughters. I love Brad more than words can say, and I appreciate everything he does.

SO...the point of this long winded story, is to say...that now that I am 27, with my THIRD baby- I have learned a lot. Being a few years older, I did more research, I made decisions for MYSELF, instead of just blindly taking the advice of others. I have made a lot of mistakes. I have done a lot of it right.  I wanted somewhere to share my insight, and share my research. I am not here to judge anyone. I am not here to make anyone feel bad. I am here to make you question for yourself. Make you think. If I post something that is offensive to you- I am sorry that your feelings may be hurt. But I will just ask you to figure out WHY your feelings are hurt, or why you have taken offence. 

I am anti-religion.
I am spiritual. I am searching, but not lost. I may not agree with you, but I fully support your RIGHT to your own opinion, and encourage you to have one.
I am pro breastfeeding.
I am terrified of GMOs and think Monsanto is a horrible, horrible company- one that needs to go away.
